Meet Service Director Patrick Hastings
Patrick Hastings serves as the Director of Public Service. Pat is a graduate of Brookside High School and the Lorain County Community College. Pat is an OEPA certified operator and is a registered Operator of Record for the public water system. He is an ODOT certified Person in Responsible Charge for local let projects per project development, financing, and administration. Pat has procured tens of millions of grant dollars for municipal improvements. Additionally, Pat serves on several county boards including the Solid Waste Policy Committee.
Approaching fifty years of residency, Pat has been employed by the City of Sheffield Lake for more than 38 years. During his career he has held a number of administrative and labor positions throughout the city. His hobbies include RV trips, fishing and model trains.
Road & Storm Water Department
With a shared staff of 5 full time employees, 4 involved with road operations and 1 full time mechanic, the Roads Department maintains roads, right of ways, culverts, ditches, storm drains, underground piping, multiple municipal properties and many other services offered to our residents.
Roads Department:
More Information:
National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (.pdf)
Parks and Recreation
Three full-time employees are responsible for maintenance of the city’s ten parks, nature trails and playground equipment. They also assist with community special events.
Utilities Department
Staffed by two employees, the Utilities Department bills water, sewer, refuse and storm water. They also handle the day-to-day operations of collection and inquiries, such as when a resident has a question about a water bill or issue, or any other offered service.
A drive thru window is provided for convenience, and open to the public from 8:00am until 4:30pm, Monday – Friday. We also have a Goodwill drop-off box located at the water department.
Trash collection
Republic Services, a Division of Allied Waste Inc. handles the city’s refuse collection, and by contract with Allied Waste we utilize the “cart ” system of collection. Blue carts are for regular garbage and green carts are for loose, bulk recyclables. Carts should be placed within 3 feet of curb, with arrows facing the street and at least 3 feet apart. Bulk items are picked up weekly.
All grass clippings and other yard waste should be placed in brown paper yard waste bags and placed next to the recycling cart. Brush and small tree trimmings must be cut, bundled and securely tied, not exceed 4 feet in length or 40 lbs. in weight, and be placed next to the recycling cart.
Please have all cart containers out for pickup by 6:00am on Friday. When a holiday falls on or before your regular pickup day, your pickup will be the next business day. The holidays that affect collection are:
- New Year’s Day
- Memorial Day
- Independence Day
- Labor Day
- Thanksgiving Day
- Christmas Day
Customer inquiries and complaints should be directed to Republic Services Customer Service first, as they are aware of any adjustments to each route’s pickup or other special circumstances.
Republic Services Customer Service Department:
1-800-433-1309 or 440-458-5191
Office Hours
8:00am to 5:00pm, Monday-Friday